Monday, October 18, 2010


Let me not forget Stuttgart -where my sister lives. When I visit I take public transportation from her village  to take class at the New York City Dance School on the outskirts of town. Usually I figure that in Europe it is easier to find dance schools than, say, in Kampala.. but it is really not easy in smaller towns or when you don't have weeks to do the research yourself. So for those of you mailed off to Stuttgart for a work week with IBM.. I would suggest getting out to a class at The NYC Dance School.. it's an interesting part of town near a great garden and right next to a Cultural Arts Center where a good friend of mine from Cairo took part in an experimental music festival.. so I spent a full week there inundated with music and squeezing in a dance class every day.

I hope that anyone who reads this will post their own information of the great classes that they know of around the world. This is the information I am always looking for when I travel. I am not a great tourist.. can't just stand around all week looking at things however much I love art. I have to jump around and stretch out no matter where I am. So please fill in with info wherever you are! All adult ballet class info welcome.. and though I haven't mentioned it for a while - video art and film festival info welcome too. I think it was one full week watching films that inspired my need to take class. I can do it (sit for a week) but best not to. If i can't find a class I will get up extra early and jog or do some yoga- but surely class is more fun. And I meet a lot of interesting people.. as i did in Russia... next blog.

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